Before you
read today’s story, I ask each of you to take a moment and say a silent “Thank
You” to all our U.S. Postal Workers.
Better yet, next time you see one - actually thank them for what they
do. Over the years I have sent
numerous greeting cards and small tokens to Sasha; he did not receive many of
them. Very frustrating. This latest notebook was sent with 8-10
day Express Delivery
from LA to Dinskya where Sasha lives.
The Russian Post office is slow moving resulting in an estimated 34 day
delivery time instead! So why did
I pay for that urgent delivery?
Now for Today’s story…
Today as with most days, the
first thing I do (after brushing teeth) is to go to my office and check for
emails from Sasha. This morning’s
caught me by surprise. I was
expecting a “Hello, the Notebook is here!” (Since it is now 6 days overdue). Instead Sasha wrote that the Russian postal service
estimates they will deliver it on June 5th.
He leaves for the Moscow interview
that evening.
We needed a
few days to finalize the contents of the book. That sure did not start my day well!
The next action was to post a
blog and email the team. Results
happen when energy is focused on something. I called out for earthly and heavenly assistance.
Playbook 2.0 Ready to Go |
Next was a phone call to
Federal Express. Questions: What shipping options are there for
getting a package to rural Russia in the next week? And more importantly: “Does Fed Ex handle the package until
its delivery, or does the Russian postal service carry it?”
Answer: “Fed Ex carries the package to its
delivery point -- except for the time at Russian Customs. No guarantees
there. You have ONE option
to get the parcel there by Friday, May 31st. The cost is $$$. You must get it to the Fed Ex
airport office by this afternoon.
(Monday is also a US Holiday).”
So… as of 9 a.m. this
morning, I began re-creating the Sasha notebook. People have asked if I kept a scanned copy. It’s not that simple. Think “scrapbook” versus scanned
letters. There’s more to it than simple pages. There are inserts, sealed original letters, etc. Out came the colored papers, cutters,
plastic page protectors, dividers, label maker, post its, tape, new binder,
etc. Took a break at noon for some
breakfast cereal. By 2 p.m. the
notebook was by my door ready to go. I changed out of pajamas and headed to the
The lady at the Fed Ex office
had me filling out all sorts of forms.
There was one rate for 2 lbs. or under and another rate over 2 lbs. I had carefully tried to determine
which pages and dividers were highest priority and how many blank sleeves to
include, etc. I held my breath as
the book was weighed … The scale
read exactly 2.00 lbs! Thank You
Angels. The new Playbook was sent
out around 2:30 this afternoon with delivery expected on Friday, May 31st.
I did stop at the local Post
Office where I had mailed the first notebook. They said there was nothing they could do once the parcel
was in the custody of the Russian postal service.
Leaving the airport today
I had the thought, “Geez! It might
have been easier to fly this book to meet Sasha in Moscow and hand it to him
directly!” LOL Trying to laugh a little, ‘cause I sure
felt like crying earlier today.